indoor plants

Colour, makeup, and fashion predictions are no longer the only things that come with the new year. Gardening, mainly indoor gardening, is incredibly popular worldwide right now, and for a good reason. Expert predictions accompany huge global trends, and for trends like these that are here to stay and are getting bigger every year, the predictions are becoming more prominent. Indoor plant trends for 2021 include a wide variety of plants. 

With their distinct characteristics, these plants can be an excellent addition to your existing collection. Indoor plant experts have identified the plant trends that will rule the future based on Google data and search trends.

People who have found a new connection with the plants of the pandemic and those associated with gardening at the deeper level of the pandemic now seek ways to add to their plant’s collection. This new desire to expand the collection of plants can be extended to expanding its collection or simply more members to their family of plants. 

 The trend of plants or gardens can be divided into two segments: bizarre plants and garden trends. 

 Let’s take a look at the plants waiting to govern the internal garden: 


Calatheas have dominated the gardening industry for a long time. Calatheas are one of the most beautiful plants, with dark foliage and variegations to rival any painter’s palette. 

They enjoy indirect light, warmth, and humidity, just like many tropical plants. 

Alocasia Plant

Alocasias are lovely houseplants of various sizes and shapes, from tiny leaves to colossal elephant ears. They’re a must-have for everyone who likes indoor plants. This beauty has specific requirements that must be met for it to be healthy. Order plants online and add freshness and beauty to your surroundings. 


 Sansevierias are incredibly easy to grow indoors. They will happily dwell everywhere in your home, from very bright light to almost dark nooks. It’s a great indoor plant because it requires little light and water and low maintenance. They look lovely on the floor and tabletop displays, thanks to their compact growth pattern, futuristic look, and long spade-like leaves. It’s an excellent plant for both new and experienced houseplant owners.

Fishbone cactus: 

This plant is at the top of the quirk-o-meter thanks to its distinctive shape of long flat stems with curling edges that resemble a fishbone. It’s also known as the ricrac or zig-zag orchid cactus. 

This plant baby is an excellent alternative for individuals who want to start gardening this year because it requires very little upkeep. Don’t let the soil end up being dry out too much because the fishbone cactus requires a little more water than your average cactus. Shopping for online plants has become so convenient nowadays with the advent of various gifting websites. 

Chinese money plant: 

The plant’s name comes from the round coin-shaped leaves on which it grows. This is quickly becoming a global favourite on the indoor plant scene, and it works nicely with practically any décor concept. A cheerful trooper who requires little attention and thrives in bright indirect light. 

The most incredible thing is that it produces many kids, so one plant can quickly become many. Order Money plant online and beautify your living space. 

Mistletoe cactus: 

The year’s statement maker is a rich succulent with stems that hang down like shaggy hair. 

This easy-to-maintain plant thrives all year round. The succulent/cactus may also reward you with mistletoe-like berries if tended adequately.

The string of hearts: 

This year, our personal favourite, this trailing plant’s patterned leaves make it easy to care for and grow. Watch it trail down and spread its beauty by placing it in hanging baskets or on shelves. Send indoor plants online to your loved ones and add years to their life. 


This year’s anticipated queen of huge floor plants is LADY PALM (RHAPIS PALM). 

In 2021, the Lady Palm, true to its name, will reign supreme over the vast indoor plant stage. 

With brilliant indirect light, they add visual flair and are very easy to care for.

Money Plant

This year, people are drawn to darker plants, whether the black ZZ or the calathea family’s dark foliage showstopper. They have an eye-catching look, with lighter-coloured growth that matures to a rich purple-black colour. If gothic isn’t your thing, money plant satin is becoming a big favourite thanks to its never-before-seen greenery. 


Miniature plants are progressively gaining popularity around the world. They’re taking up residence on work surfaces and in terrariums. With living spaces diminishing and practicality dictating the décor space, smaller greens will be in high demand. Make terrariums or plant them in unusual planters on shelves and watch them grow. 

Gardening isn’t just about growing plants; it’s about so much more. It’s an urgent requirement; every plant matters and they have an impact on the global environment. They benefit not only the globe but also ourselves on a physical and mental level. Gardening and gardening seminars have grown in popularity as a result of the pandemic. People are reconnecting with nature, both in terms of ornamental and food gardening, and with this increased urge comes the need to learn.

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